Monday, March 21, 2011

Three Cheers for Spring!

We had a beautiful day here in Wisconsin today.  The temperature climbed to a balmy 55 degrees, and there was a gentle wind turning the blades of the wind turbine next door. 
We took our Spring Break last week, as The Principal had to go out of town for work and we felt like tagging along. The kiddos loved our stay at a waterpark hotel, and no one was ready to head home.
Due to our exciting adventure last week, we decided to ease into the week and enjoyed some fun activities today. 
We usually start out the morning with Mom's Read Aloud Hour.  The kiddos moaned when I said it was time to jump back in to our historical fiction book. Instead I pulled out our ' Poetry for Young People: Edgar Allan Poe' and we read 'The Raven'.  This has long been one of my favorites.  I mean, how could you not love such phrases as: 'while I nodded nearly napping...?' 
They worked through their usual Latin, Copywork, Dictation, and Math.  I've decided to hold off on spelling for the week as we need to re-evaulate Language Arts for J-Straco based on the fact that he is going to need 6 months of vision therapy for his over convergence issues.
For History today we watched the first segment in our new 'Drive Through History' DVD.  We cuddled up in the movie room, made popcorn and enjoyed hearing more about early American explorers.  The boys loved the format, and no one moved from their chairs for the entire half hour episode. I am trying to incorporate more visual lessons into our history curriculum to reinforce what we are learning.
While The Princess got her beauty sleep, the boys worked on some independant projects. Farm Boy composed a new song to play on the piano, and J-Straco made a goldfish vending machine out of blocks.  You pull a 'lever' and goldfish crackers come out the bottom.  The Princess thought it was an extremely cool way to have her afternoon snack upon awakening.

We spent a couple hours outside in the afternoon.  Farm Boy collected more rocks for his collection, and J-Straco took The Princess for a walk in the woods.  Everyone enjoyed riding their bikes, and The Princess learned how to pedal today!! Go Princess Go!

The boys wrapped up the day with the their normal evening routine;  music practice, multiplication flash cards with daddy, and Boys' Bible Study with daddy. We are working through Kaye Freeman's bible study books, currently using Choosing Self-Control.  I HIGHLY recommend this series, it has been really well received by the boys. 
The rest of the week is predicted to be stormy and cool, but we saw the evidence of Spring outside today. A robin hopping across the backyard, the green of our strawberry plants as they start to grow.  Everyday brings a chance for a new beginning!
Happy Spring!!

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