Friday, December 2, 2011

Weekly Summary

This has been an exciting week for me as a teacher. My kiddos seemed to have matured greatly overnight and put forth more effort than I thought possible of them.  I have been on a math kick -reading a lot of books and articles about how math is taught in other (higher scoring) countries.  Based on my research, I decided to mix things up a little.  Two days a week we now do a math lesson from Dr. Wright's Kitchen Table Math, and the boys work cooperatively on a lesson from MEP.  I have now demanded of them: team work, communication, and the ability of one to argue/justify their answer to the other.  They did amazing!  The other days they are working in their Math Mammoth books. 

J- Straco's Math- Solving for the unknown

In Latin we worked on conjugating verbs:

We have been discussing the Exodus in History-
Here is a map the boys completed of The 12 Tribes of Israel

 The boys started online art lessons which they LOVE!

The Princess had a busy week with the arrival of her new Rod & Staff Preschool curriculum.
We also printed off a Nativity Activity Packet from 

Rod & Staff Work:

Here are the Nativity Printables:

The point of this activity is to arrange the nativities from smallest to largest.  The Princess completed this quickly and said, "That's not very exciting".  We made a game out of it by numbering the nativities and when she closed her eyes I would remove one.  She would have to tell me what number was missing.  She LOVED this game. 
"Number 2 is missing"
To make it more challenging we mixed up the nativities making it harder for her to figure out which was missing. 

Here is a pattern activity:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky,
    I'm glad you are finding my book useful. I like your missing number games with your Princess. If you ever have any math questions, please feel free to write.
    Best wishes, Chris (aka Dr. Wright)
    chris @ kitchentablemath . com
