We decided we could use a late winter break from our normal curriculum, so we worked on some individual research projects. Farm Boy chose to study Maui, and J-Straco chose Nepal. We visited the library and the boys found books on their topics. They typed up mini essays on various aspects of their subject complete with maps and pictures. They mounted everything on a large poster board and gave presentations to their grandparents. Farm-Boy's report was more of a 'vacation' presentation, detailing things to do while on Maui. He is hoping that will convince his mom and dad to take him there for a vacation in the near future! J-Straco's was more serious, and covered the history, government and economic situation in Nepal. He also studied Mt. Everest, as it is one of his goals to climb it someday. We started an amazing book, "
Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal" by Conor Grennan. I read the first two chapters to the boys and they LOVED it. We currently have 2 read-alouds going, and one audio book, so I think we'll have to wait a few weeks to fit this one into the schedule.
The boys also finished their lapbooks on Ancient Greece. I'm happy to say they were a success! When we tried lapbooking last year, the boys were far from enthusiastic. Hopefully we'll be able to throw in some more now that they almost enjoy them.
We also completed another lesson in our Anatomy book which was about cells. We love this book from Jeannie Fulbright! It is full of fascinating facts about the human body, and give all the glory to God.
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